Andrà Marfaing (Bilingual Edition) by Christophe Averty & Sophie Culleron
Andrà Marfaing (1925-87) was a French non-figurative painter and printmaker associated with abstract art and informalism. This catalogue raisonnà of is a complete repertory of his painted work, from his initial “youth” paintings (1948-52) until his last works completed in 1986. 1952, the year he took up non-figuration, was a fundamental step that led him very quickly to abstraction. His first forays into painting, his earlier figurative canvases, still lifes, landscapes and even his few portraits, live on as witnesses to his apprenticeship and as pointers to an artistic adventure that remained latent. The use of acrylic, which gained ground in 1970, led to formal inflections that reached into the heart of his painting.
Marfaing probes what is deepest in others as well as his own private space, the confines of a nature within, a cosmos without landscape, a terrain whose contours and features he ceased depicting long ago.
ISBN: 9782370741738
Author(s): Christophe Averty & Sophie Culleron
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