Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence by Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan & Rebecca W. Wong



A comprehensive examination of the causes of, and links between, interpersonal and interspecies violence

Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence: A Psycho-Criminological Understanding addresses the many aspects of the link between animal cruelty and human violence. Presenting new theory, research, policy, and practice, this authoritative volume explores the subject through a psycho-criminological lens to describe, explain, and potentially prevent intentional behavior that causes pain, suffering, or death in animals and humans.

With an integrated theoretical-practical approach, Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence offers up-to-date research and provides real-world insights into current thinking in the study of animal abuse and interpersonal violence.

ISBN: 9781119894100
Author(s): Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan & Rebecca W. Wong


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